Thursday, July 9, 2009

Jere's "likes" and "don't likes"

It was a regular Tuesday morning and we were all doing patterning for the little one, the activity he kinda avoids most so mummy dearest tried to distract him by talking to him and telling him what are the attractive stuff that comes after. Here's how the conversation went.

Mummy: Jere, you wanna do bells? (some sound works that I do with him. Jere loves musical instruments and music)

Jere: YES! (and he starts singing) Jingle bells Jingle bells!

Aunty Say Lian: Oh you like christmas? Do you like Santa Claus?

Mummy: No! He's scared. He's afraid of dress-ups.

Jere: I don't like Santa Claus. I scared.

Aunty Florence: Then what do you like?

Jere: I only like pretty girls!

Everyone burst out laughing!

Aunty Florence: That's a good one!

Wow! At 3 years and 2 days exactly, our dear friend can tell us he likes pretty girls. I thought that was hilarious.

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