Monday, November 19, 2007

Sombre Saturday

It was the 17th Nov and I went down to the Club Rainbow family centre at Upper Cross Street for a briefing. They were organising a cruise come December for their Rainbow children and their families.

Club Rainbow (Singapore) is a registered charity committed to helping children suffering from a range of chronic and life-threatening illnesses and Jeremiah was registered as a rainbow child at birth due to his spina bifida condition.

This is the first time we are joining in their activities as they missed us for over a year in their events as they got our mailing address wrong. Then while seeing our neurologist at kkh, she told us to call the centre and we happened to also bump into another volunteer at our church of Christ the King. So we called and we were invited to join them on a cruise.

Anyhow, I found my way to the centre that Saturday and saw a huge crowd hanging outside the place only to realise that everyone was queueing to register for the cruise. While waiting for my turn, I chatted with another mother who shared that two of her children are rainbow children, one with muscular dystrophy and another with some heart problem. She's a strong mum, I must say. She spoke so positively and proudly of her children all and proudly showed their pictures on her mobile to me.

Then we went into the centre and the briefing started proper. We were advised to leave our children at home due to space constraints but nevertheless, some children were there which I believe their main caregiver were the parents themselves. Seeing some of them was already so depressing and I know I am gonna see worst and more in the cruise itself. I think this cruise is gonna open up the world of our eldest son Nat who is as normal as can be and thinks the world belongs to him and things should always be how it should be and will always be how it should be. A child who has taken life so much for granted coz things have always fallen nicely in place for him.

After the briefing, as Tim and I were making our way home, we met our neighbour's children playing downstairs with their helpers. They were two little gals from the fifth floor of the same block we stay. The younger of the two was born the same year as Jere but about 3 months later than Jere. I remember her as a children's day child. She was toddling while her helper held her hands. She was so cute and adorable! Thank God for her mum. Her mum was one brave lady that persisted to carry her throughout the pregnancy going against her whole family as she went for repeated tests that confirm she was carrying a down child. But this little gal, is perfectly normal when born. Thank you Lord that you gave wisdom and courage to this mum and made this wonderful miracle happen to this little gal. I played briefly with her and we went on our way. As we entered the lift to go up, Tim and I was silent. Then I broke the silence saying....
"I can't help feeling really sad seeing the little gal who is younger than Jere already walking and our baby is still crawling"
Tim said "me too!" quietly but clearly.

Lord, please make our Jeremiah walk. Please straighten and strengthen his feet that he can get up and walk. Lord, make this child Jeremiah walk like any other child would. Restore Jeremiah to perfect health. This we ask in Jesus name! AMEN


Aka Pamela S. said...

Ah.. My dear Michelle.. I just wanted to pass you a hug for all the times that you've been feeling sad like this. For such wonderful people like you and Tim.. you will be blessed with so many more wonderful things to come..

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