Thursday, November 8, 2007

A solution to the helper crisis

I had been ranting about the whole darn thing for so long and losing sleep and getting stressed.......... and guess it's coming to an end.

Yes. Praise God! He has found a new helper for us.....*drumroll* please! MARY JANE!

No she's not the spidy man's gal but well, we'll see how things go. Jere seems to adapt to her quite well. She's been with us since Monday night. That means about 3 days and other than the fact that she dropped Nat's piano book on the way to piano lesson, things are going smooth. Thank you Lord. Ok, I don't really think she is to be blamed but our dear trainer cum manager Ros (old helper) did not give her any bag to put the books and ended up they dropped it on the way without realising. This got me a little mad at that moment... but looking back, thank God they did not tell me they dropped something more important. Nat on the other hand is still trying to size her up.

I pray that she will be the one for us. She studied midwifery before and showed no fear or apprehension when I told her of Jeremiah's condition. She even knew the medical term to "water in the head" saying "hydrocephalus" when I told it to her. Apparently she loves reading and has gained this knowledge through her own reading. She also was not put off at all when I told her she had to massage Jere's anus so he can poo poo out every morning and evening. So our journey with our new help begins.

Do pray with us that she would be a good fit for our family and take good care of the children, our wonderful blessings from God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm always very touched by your love for your little boy whenever I read your blog. This comment has nothing to do with your maid issue. Just would like to tell you that there is a little boy in my church who was born with some disease that caused him medically not to be able to walk. Then, one day, he just did! he just got up and walked! I first met him when he was 4 at children's church. I saw him again recently (aged probably 9 now). He's still walking! A little crooked, but walking! So, just to encourage you that our God is a God of miracles. All that we need and want has been paid for by Jesus' death on the Cross. I'll remember to say a prayer for you guys today. God bless! :)

P/S: Not 'advertising' for my church, but this really helped me in my own various health issues: taking Holy Communion. I'm from New Creation Church. Feel free to drop by (no obligation to attend AT ALL) any time. There are so many people, no one will know you are a visitor, and so, you won't be 'harassed' :)