Thursday, July 6, 2006

J trackback : 6th July 2006 - post surgery

Baby Jeremiah had a smooth op 5th July, 2006, yes the first day of his life to cover up the open neural tube defect and was on morphine till 5am, 6th July, the following day. Yes, morphine at not even a day old. Poor baby! My heart sank when the doctor told me that. The surgery must be so painful then for them to administer morphine. Breathing was slow and he had episodes of apnea(stopping to breathe). I asked to be discharged after my gynae,Dr Goh came to check me as I felt too stressed in hospital. I could not do anything for bb jere and milk wont come. I must breastfeed him as that is the best i could give him.

Here he is, still in neo natal intensive. The plastic box over his head is actually the oxygen tank.
MRI and blood count and other tests were ordered for him. Could not direct feed as better not to lift him unnecessarily.I had to get my spirits up and get the milk coming.

Everyone was activated in prayer asking God to keep Jere safe and a speedy recovery.

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