Wednesday, September 19, 2007

3rd Neurologist Assessment - Sept 2007

Hospital appointment tomorrow Jere?

Here's how he looked :P

Nah.... just kidding, this sure wasn't his expression when you tell him he got an appointment with the doc! This pic was taken recently when we were out for dinner :)jus thot a little pic of the angel could cheer us all abit :)

Time flies! and it's 3 months and we gonna see the neurologist again tomorrow.

Frankly, my heart weighs tons everytime i gotta bring the little one to the hospital.

I pray one day, i can say we don't need to step into the hospital anymore coz he's DISCHARGED! TOTALLY WELL AND COMPLETELY HEALED! and I know the LORD GOD is working on this as we pray about it everyday.

Do keep little Jeremiah in your prayers for complete healing for I look forward to the day where i can glorify His name and say Jeremiah is totally healed and well. AMEN!

1 comment:

Manic Mummy said...

Hi Michelle, it's Clara here. Decided to visit your blog, and was bowled over by how cute and angelic Jere is. He's remarkable! :) And so are you for your faith and strength.