Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How did the MCU go?

We reached KKH at about 1615hr, quickly registered and was sent along to wait outside the procedure room. A nurse came out and told me to change Jere into the gown. I changed him and he was still quite unsuspecting of what was going on. In his gown, he continued to play outside the waiting area.

Then someone from the room came out and called for Jeremiah. I went into the room with him. The doctor then briefly explained to me what the procedure about.... how they were gonna insert a catheter in and put in some contrast solution and then see how the bladder reacts and if there was any reflux. Then they told me I had to leave the room while they inserted the catheter and come in only when they were done.

I left the room and Jere was almost gonna cry as he kinda suspect now something was quite amiss. I whispered into his ear that Jesus loves Jeremiah and He will heal Jeremiah and Jere responded with an "AMEN" which kinda amazed the people in the room too.

Waiting outside the room, I could hear Jere's loud wailing. Poor baby. However, each time i heard his cries, I told myself. He feels. He senses the pain otherwise why would he wail?

I prayed for strength and I thought of Mother Mary and Jesus. Mother Mary is just so so amazing and faithful. She submitted to the will of God seeing her only son Jesus being tortured, scourged and crucified when He had done no wrong. Her heart must have bled so much. What's this little cross that Jeremiah's carrying? What's this little pain I feel?

Then the door opened and the medical staff asked me to go in.

There I saw little Jerry strapped down to the "space craft". I quickly held his hands and assured him mummy is there with him. His cries were uncontrollable. Nothing seemed to comfort him. It was certainly scary to be strapped to that darn thing with something else coming close down almost on your face and being strapped totally with no defence at all wondering the thing on top would it ever slam down on your face is definitely what I felt for little Jerry. It's almost like Indiana Jones and the temple of doom. Poor baby.

I talked and talked to little Jerry with tears streaming down my own face singing all the hymns familiar to him. From Jesus saves to Jesus loves you to Song of a Young Prophet to It's a great day to praise the Lord to What a friend we have in Jesus.... Slowly but surely God's peace transcended all understanding. The peace guarded our hearts and minds.

My peace I give unto you
It's a peace that the world cannot give
It's a peace that the world cannot understand
Peace to know, peace to live,
My peace I give unto you.

My tears dried up and I just kept singing....

What seemed almost like eternity soon ended and the Dr said "ok, you can carry him now"

I quickly got him out of "the craft". Jerry cried till his whole head was wet and his face was full of his tears and mucous from the nose. As they invited me out, I couldn't help but turn around and asked the Dr how did the thing look.

Normally, the Dr or radiologist won't want to comment and would say "your specialist would explain to you"
But the Dr said, "Good. No reflux! He can empty his bladder a little on his own. Looks like he will recover his condition in time but till then you gotta keep monitoring and treatment."
I couldn't help but say out loud "Thank you Lord! Praise the Lord!". I was just a little short of shouting it out.

Jerry was so so sweet. When I told him to be nice and say bye bye before leaving, he took out the pacifier that he was sucking for comfort and muttered his "bubbye" waving at all in the room.

I know Jeremiah was given to me for a purpose. God will raise up and set free is the meaning of Jeremiah and God will definitely do that for my little Jerry. Jeremiah will be exalted of the Lord. Jeremiah is my little brave warrior and the battle is the Lord's. Our God will reign VICTORIOUS!

Yes Jeremiah will be healed. He will recover his condition in time. Jeremiah will be restored and will be raised up and be set free! In Jesus name we pray. AMEN AMEN AMEN! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA!

and with this I shall end this post with a song of thanksgiving.

Thank You Lord!
I come before you today
And there's just one thing that I want to say
Thank you lord
Thank you lord
For all you've given to me
For all the blessings that I cannot see
Thank you lord
Thank you lord

**With a grateful heart
With a song of praise
With an outstretch arm
I will bless your name
Thank you lord
I just wanna thank you lord
Thank you lord
I just wanna thank you lord
Thank you lord

For all you've done in my life
You took my darkness and gave me your light
Thank you lord
Thank you lord
You took my sin and my shame
You took my sickness and healed all my pain
Thank you lord
Thank you lord

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