Friday, June 20, 2008

Dernatologist? Skin Specialist?

23rd May afternoon, some 1 month ago, I brought Jere to his long awaited referral to the skin specialist, the dermatologist. The urologist that sees Jere all the time is so freaked out by Jere's eczema that she did a referral to the skin specialist. It took us 3 months to get this appointment.

I took half day and went home to get Jere to his appointment at 2pm. when I reached home at 1.30pm, the boys were sleeping. I was thinking... should I take Jere or not? The sun was scorching HOT and the baby was sleeping so so soundly. The thought of picking him up and heading to the hospital almost sounded evil to me. Finally I thought I had better go or it would always be at the back of my mind to see a skin specialist, to do a prick test, tada tada tada... the list goes on. I packed Jere into my sarong sling, took the baby bag and the stroller and took a cab down to KKH.

Wow! I never realised that the cab fares had increased so much. Had I not been running late, I doubt the cabs can ever do my business :P From AMK to KKH cost me $9!!!!!! off peak hours!!!! Yes totally insane!!!! I should have just taken the MRT to novena and got the shuttle. It would have cost me less than $2! or I pray that Tim gets a job offer in town or his company gives him a car then I can use our present car with the kids.

It was kinda long wait to consult the skin specialist and when I finally saw him.... I must say I couldn't be more disappointed and irritated.

No, the doctor wasn't rude at all. In fact, he was quite nice but, I just did not like his ideas at all.

First when we went in, one look at Jere,
Dr asked "How long has this been?"
Then he drew a picture of a man on his case notes to document which areas were affected and Jere went "WOW! Dr draw!" haha... I thought that was hilarious!
Then our dear dr started pushing Q* bath oil and Q* samples to me, telling me that's the way to go.
I said, "I've tried all these and it didn't work. Now I am using some MLM product which helped to clear. What you see now Dr was worst before."
Anyhow, I communicated that I also used organic stuff and the doctor then said nothing is really organic these days and not to bother and said stuff like they've seen lotsa such cases and their medication would usually clear it in 3 weeks. Then, when I asked is it steroidal, he said oh yes but very mild. He then prescribed steroidal creams, lotions and antihistamine drowsy ones for nite and non-drowsy ones for day. I was like *eyes almost popping out* when he told me the non drowsy ones were like clarityne.

I left the clinic, paid for my consult, chucked the prescription into my bag and left the hospital. I wasn't too sure at all if I wanna go the steroidal way at all.

Today, almost a month later, Jere's eczema has almost cleared. The weepy patch on his face is gone completely. We are left with the legs only and a little on the hand. Thank You Lord! We've stopped the MLM soap coz no more sponsor :P but God sure knows what we need. He sent another soap and it helped :) Thank You Lord! Our neighbour brought it to us. An old lady and I did not had the heart to turn her down so just took it. Then I decided to try it on the legs first, saw that it was good and slowly worked up the body. Now, I'm even using it on big bro Nat. The soap's name is margo, main ingredient is neem oil and it's found only in Mustafa selling at 90 cents per bar. Yes, I did a research on neem oil on the net before I tried it out. Go read it up and if you got a skin prob, maybe you could try just that.

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