Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's in your heart Jerry?

Dr Seow from KKH asked after he listened to Jerry's heart.

As advised by Jerry's paed after a vaccination visit, I asked Dr Seow to listen to Jerry's heart as the paed said he heard a murmur and asked me to ask the drs at kkh to hear again and refer to the cardiologist if necessary.

And what's Jerry's reply to Dr Seow's question of "What's in your heart Jerry?"

Jerry: JESUS!

Yup, Jesus is indeed in Jeremiah's heart! AMEN!

and so we are scheduled to see the cardiologist at 1540hr KKH on the 21st Oct 2009.

Dear husband is worried and said he will try to meet me at the hospital to hear what the doctors have to say. To that I replied, it's just JESUS. It was Jesus murmuring to the dr ;)

Jeremiah will be well. Nevertheless, keep us all in prayers especially our little one.

God bless one and all!

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