Monday, April 16, 2007

Dr suggests surgery AGAIN!

As I said we went for a review after the MRI scan and yes, the neuro surgeon suggests that we do the shunt op again! and another what third ventricular... all these medical terms juz drive me crazy....
Still I have no peace and still I say NO!
I totally appreciate his professional advice but i also totally believe my God will work on Jere. Yes, everyone pray for Jere AGAINST the shunt op! Prayers are powerful. Every prayer uttered will be answered.
When we were outside the MRI suite waiting for Jere to come out of his scan some 2 weeks ago... we saw this boy Jeremy waiting to be pushed in. He was shaved bald and i could see a scar on his head with a tube running all the way from the head to the behind of his ear to his neck to his chest to his gut area. At that time, Tim and I looked at each other and immediately prayed against a shunt op for our dear little boy.
NO! We shall have NO SHUNT! GOD HEALS! AMEN!
I believe that God can heal even at the last minute and God will work on Jere. AMEN!

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