Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Jere's 17 and a half months

today... yeah exactly

and let's look at what our little champ can do!

First, Let's look at his spiritual milestones.

1.The little one joins his hands when you say "Jere, let's say grace" before our meals.

2. At the cue of "In the name of the father,....." he tries to make the sign of the cross. *dot dot dot here dot dot dot there with his little fingers but just dot all the wrong places at the wrong time!* haha

3. When we pray, he ends it with "Amen!"

4. He tries to sing the hymns that you are singing with his own renditions and lifts up his hands in praise and worship.

then he has started to call.... not in any order of preference and some of which he has been calling for the longest time

1. Ma meh (that's me!)
2. Dar Dar (that's his daddy!)
3. Kor Kor
4. Tita (tagalog for aunty that's what he calls our helpers)
5. Grandma
6. Ah Kong
7. Ah Ta (means paternal grandpa in hakka)
8. Ah Nei (means paternal grandma in hakka)
9. Papa (that's what he calls my dear Brother-in-law Jason actually. Jerry just decides to call him Papa!)
10. Mama (that what he calls my dear sis... his variation of Yee Ma)
11. Porpor (all the aunties downstairs at the void deck)
12. Uncle
13. Auntie
14. Meimei
15. Didi
16. Baby

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