Wednesday, May 2, 2007

How Jere loves J-E-S-U-S!

Jere slept early around 7 plus in the evening...Woke about 8, a little grumpy. Then i took one of those toy phones which makes noise when u press it kind to distract him and for a while he was ok till the brother Nat came and just being a little kid selfish snatched it from him and made him cry. There was no way to comfort him then... cry and cry and cry. No matter how i carried him and comforted him... to no avail. The children's bible songs were playing in the background. The helper, Ros tried to call him and distract him. No way. Then suddenly Jere pushed himself up from me to bring his hands together to clap to a particular bible song that went "I love J-E-S-U-S! I love J-E-S-U-S! I love him better every D-A-Y!" we were so amazed and amused.
Then the father came in. I told him about it and he back track the song again to see for himself and smiled when he saw how Jere jumped at the J-E-S-U-S song. The next song came and it was Joshua and the battle of Jericho which was Nat's fav. I had shoo-ed Nat out earlier as he was jumping too much on the beds and Jere could not sleep. Then Nat came in and started dancing to the Joshua song. The father again was amused .... but this time at the expense of Jere.... Jere started crying again coz his song was gone and all he got was noise from the brother. I got a little mad and told the father put on Jere's music which the father finally did only after he watched and entertained the brother's dancing. Jere smiled and clapped his hands again when his music came on! "I love him better every D-A-Y!......


JS_Creations said...

must have been a really beautiful sight huh, Mich ? :)

i can just imagine ...

Jere is truely Jesus' precious one !!

Michy Mich said...

Yes Jane!
So beautiful!
It is jus so amazing to watch the children grow in His love!