Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter and New Life

It's gonna be wonderful tonight as we witness the baptism of many in the Easter vigil.

Tim and Nat are new converts baptised some 3 years ago. Oops! I can't even remember the date. Maybe today, later, I'll make an effort to find out the dates of all our baptisms and celebrate as we would celebrate the birthday since this is even better than our birthday!

The only baptism date that I remember is Jeremiah's. We were so afraid then when he was born. Afraid that he would not be able to make it as he stopped breathing on us several times in the Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit(NICU). Jeremiah stayed in there for more than 2 weeks and when he was discharged finally, we quickly booked him the next infant baptism date.

Jeremiah was baptized 1st October 2006, yup, some one and half year ago and yes, apologies for not showing you this pic earlier.

The bib that Jeremiah is wearing reads "Through baptism, I have become a child of God".

Only after Jere's baptism then did I heave a huge sigh of relief as I entrusted all in the hands of the Lord. Jeremiah had NEW life within him from then and if you had been following my blog, you would not have missed how God had walked with us and blessed us.

Thank you Father God for giving us your son to save us! Thank you Father for your gift of life. Thank you Father for blessing us. I pray thee Father to guide us and help us to follow your plans for we know you have wondrous plans for us. AMEN!

So if you are thinking of CHOCOLATES! EGGS! BUNNIES....when the word Easter is mentioned?

It's time to ask yourself, Where's JESUS? Does colored eggs and bunnies and chocolates have anything to do with Jesus? Where did this concept of easter bunnies and eggs originated?

I guess the real meaning of easter has really been buried with time.

Okie, I won't go into the bunnies and hares, springs and what nots that has commercialised the whole matter of Easter.

Let's dig out the truth and honour Our Lord Jesus's victory over death, His resurrection from the dead, and His glorious promises of eternal life for all who believe in Him as it brings us new life.

By His stripes we are all healed!

The Resurrection of Christ brings new life!


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