Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dennis Brown Shoes - Part 1

What a fanciful name! Plainly put, bluntly or crudely said I would just call them shoes with bolts and nuts!

These shoes are prescribed for Jere by the orthopaedic and now Jere puts them on 23 hours a day! Yes! Crazy! Absurd! The only time he has them off is when he takes a shower. But looks like I've got no choice as it's better to correct them now than later. The consoling thing is that Jere do not need the bolts and nuts so we took them all out. Talk about taking them out... I'll fill u all in about our adventure later...


After seeing the Orthopaedic in Jan and being prescribed these, we could only get the earliest appointment on the 27th Feb to get these shoes. Yes we had to see a physiotherapist to fit the shoes and get them so for that one month, i googled and saw things that really scared me silly coz i saw pics of kids wearing these with the bar holding the 2 feet together.

Well, in actual fact these shoes don't look too awful though anytime I would rather choose the nike and adidas that I wore for Nat before. They look like skate boots that we wear on the ice skating rink don't they?

1 comment:

Chawanmushi said...

Hi Mich
Congrats to you on having started your blog. It is a very touching blog and I'm sure you will be blessed by the Lord. Yes, I do believe in miracles and I believe it will happen for you when you have faith.

By the way, I read your earlier entry about feeling guilty eating meat on Fridays. It seems that Archbishop Nicholas Chia has clarified that it's allowed to eat meat on Fridays except on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday when fast and abstinence would be expected. Fridays in Lent would be days of penance. HTH :-)