Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why i start this blog?

Been reading lotsa blogs but never ever thought I would start one... coz I thought "where got time????"

but i know i have to start it coz of Jeremiah, my precious blessing from God since 5th July 2007 if not for myself. I need to tell and share of how loving and merciful God has been to us.

I would try to alternate between giving recent updates and filling up on what has happened.

This blog would definitely be easier for all who's asking about the updates of this special little child since he was born. Thank you! all of you who's been keeping Jeremiah covered in prayer.

For all of you who has yet to know this special little one Jeremiah, Jeremiah is a gift from God to Tim and me for our 5th wedding anniversary in 2006 when we found out we were preggy with him.

Jeremiah was born on the 5th July.
I will backdate posts to tell you more of this little fella. In short, little Jeremiah was born with a birth defect spina bifida. Spina Bifida means cleft spine, which is an incomplete closure in the spinal column or in other words also known as an open neural tube defect. In general, there are three types of spina bifida (from mild to severe) unfortunately bb jeremiah has got the most severe form of spina bifida, Myelomeningocele. Stayed in Neo natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Mt Alvernia for 16 days after his birth and has had 2 operations since. One of the first day of his birth and another on the eighth day to repair a leakage.

However, while putting him through treatment, I am still praying for a miracle and i am really blessed and comforted to know that there's many also in the prayer loop for baby Jeremiah.

Currently Jeremiah is seeing the neurological dept, orthopaedic dept and the paed surgical dept to monitor his kidney and bladder closely.

Today, we are still praying as we take him for his routine treatments and checkups that God will grant Jere complete healing and bring His works in Jere to completion. We know God has plans for Jere, Plans to prosper not to destroy. Thank you Lord.

There can be miracles.... if you believe....

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